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For iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch

We've started producing video site guides for iPhone, iPad & later iPod Touch under the title of Gone Birding interactive- GBi. Having been birding, tour leading, photographing/ filming/ editing wildlife footage for many decades, we thought it high time we put this experience to good use and put together products for birders. The GBi guides are aimed at:

Birders who have just taken up Birdwatching.

Birders who need a little extra help with identification & planing birding days out.

Families and day trippers enjoying a day out.

The aim of the guides is to get the most fun, enjoyment and information out of your trip.

So how do they work? Well the concept is simple. After purchasing the disc for the site you are visiting, and copying it across to your device via iTunes, you play the videos for each of the ViewPoints whilst actually visiting the reserve. There's an introduction with background information on the reserve, including facilities and how to get there etc... There's a map showing the best places to visit on the reserve (ViewPoints) and a video for each ViewPoint. You then play the video at each ViewPoint as identified on the map as you follow the route laid out.

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Each ViewPoint video explains where to look, what you can expect to see and how to identify the birds you are seeing. When you reach the next viewpoint, you play the next video, and so on. It's like walking around with an expert by your side.

Play introduction sampler - Click here

Using iTunes copy the folder of videos called "Copy to iTunes". Then sync, or copy to your iPhone, iPad or later iPod Touch and in the video section a series of videos appear e.g. GBi Bempton 00 Intro, GBi Bempton 00 Map, GBi Bempton 01, GBi Bempton 02, etc....

Versions for non Apple products will come as we develop these products.

GBi Bempton Cliffs

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From Grandstand viewpoint to Staple Newk, via Jubilee Corner and the Dell, this video will explain where to go and what you'll see during a summer visit to RSPB Bempton Cliffs, where over 200,000 seabirds breed, including the UK's only mainland Gannetry.

From locating and identifying Puffins, separating Razorbill & Guillemot to ageing Gannets, this video will enable you make the most from your visit to Bempton Cliffs.

For more information email: sales@gonebirding.org


Purchase via Amazon


+£1.99 p&p in UK


How to Buy- In time we'll have an estore on this page so you can buy directly. Until this is up and running you can purchase in 3 ways:

1). NHBS- if you shop online, click the "buy me" button above.

2). Cheque- send a cheque for £6.50 (inc. p+p) payable to "A Hirst" to (cheaper method).

3). Bank Transfer- email or phone us for our account details so you can transfer the money swiftly and easily online (cheapest method).

Trade orders welcome- payment initially via pro-forma invoice.

Orders dispatched within 24 hours of order receipt.